Winter Home Supervision:
During the months of November - March, we will make Bi-Weekly in person visits to your home to do cisible home inspection of the property(weekly for an additional $200). In addition we will make a peace of mind visit the day after any storm that included over 30mph wind gust or over 6 inches of snow. These visits will consist of a walking exterior inspection for any obvious damage, and an interior walkthrough if desired. We will be responsible to inform you of any damage or issues that are visible. You will receive a text message, with a picture of your home the day of each visit. IN the event of any damage or issues regarding the home, we will provide you quickly with a quote for fixing the issue or organizing the repair of any damage.
Additional services will be offered as needed at an additional cost. (I.E. storm clean up, snow removal, home maintenance, house cleaning and opening up for summer, Etc)
Full year home supervision is available as well.
Bi-Weekly Home Visits - $295
Weekly Home Visits - $495